Flemington BMX Association

We are a group of BMX Enthusiast, Racers, Parents, Supporters and
NBL Officials that support, maintain and operate the Hunterdon
County BMX Track in Flemington New
The Best BMX Track in New Jersey. |
Continuing a 25 year tradition. |
HotLine: 908-806-6645
Track phone

Bicycle Motocross, or BMX for short, is one of the
fastest growing kid's sports in the United States,
and Hunterdon County BMX offers the best in BMX racing.

What does FBMX Association do for you, the rider? |
A good question; hopefully here's a good answer. First and foremost, this local
non profit organization provides the structure for our
track series in accordance with the
requirements of the National Bicycle League. While
we do have fees for races, recognize that ALL our staff are unpaid volunteers
and ALL proceeds from Track races are either paid out in operating expenses (
postage, printing, race fees to NBL, supplies, and the like) or in recognition
to our riders. |
Message from the President.
The Flemington BMX facility is owned and operated by volunteers.
We survive with the contributions of local and state business as well as
private donations. If you would like to contribute please contact any
board member. |
The track is located on Route 12 Behind the County Library in
Flemington New Jersey

2004 Supporters
Hunterdon County BMX Sponsors –Race Year 2004
mention you heard about them here at HCBMX)
Gold Level Sponsors:
Barbiche Brothers Construction Inc. |
184 Pennsylvania Ave. |
Flemington |
NJ |
08822 |
908-782-5422 |

Shop Rite |
272 Rt. 202 |
Flemington |
NJ |
08822 |
908-782-6900 |
Northeast Tree Expert Co., Inc
(Tree Maintenance & Removal) |
318 Wertsville Rd. |
Ringoes |
NJ |
08551 |
908-782-6269 |
Country Gardener Design
(Renaturalization, Herb Gardens, Perennials,
Bulbs) |
318 Wertsville Rd. |
Ringoes |
NJ |
08551 |
908-782-6269 |
Pure Impressions
Filtration, Nutritional/Diet Products) |
2 Wilson Way |
Ringoes |
NJ |
08551 |
908-229-0749 |
Silver Level Sponsors:
Bronze Level Sponsors:

What's Here ?
BMX Track Schedule
Flemington BMX News
Current Flemington BMX Rider High Point
** New Jersey State Series Point Standings
What is BMX ???
How to Recognize
a BMX Parent

Come to the races and watch or race!! All ages Men and Women
If your old enough to pedal a bike, you can race BMX!!!

Next Parent's Meeting (everyone is welcome to attend) at
the Hunterdon County Library on:
Anyone interested in becoming involved with BMX can attend this meeting.
If you have any suggestions please send email or attend the meeting.
Any race or practice day is a good time for new riders to pickup new rider info and see
the track and meet the officials.
The Hunterdon County BMX Association, Inc was formed in
March, 1981 as a New Jersey Non-profit corporation organized by the parents of children
who compete in bicycle motocross racing. Upon it's formation, the Hunterdon County
Freeholders granted the Association a one-year lease to construct and operate a race track
on a portion of County property immediately to the rear of the Hunterdon County Library
Complex on Route 12, Raritan Township.
During the first three weekends of April, 1981, twenty-five to thirty volunteer dads,
moms, children and local businessmen constructed the race track with literally hundreds of
volunteer hours by parents and children ranging in age from 5 to 16. The course itself was
laid out and designed by former Freeholder and Township Engineer, Frank Bohren, and made
possible by the contribution of material and equipment by numerous Hunterdon County
businesses. Exclusive of volunteer labor, approximately $3,200 was expended constructing
the track, all of which was paid by donations.
The efforts of those who constructed the track were rewarded by the Grand Opening turnout
of 186 riders, and averaged 185 riders per race for the remaining season.
The races were conducted and supervised by volunteer mothers and dads who donated over
2500 hours of time in maintaining the track and conducting the races.
The Association had received not only weekly reporting of it's races in local
publications, but also in bicycling magazines such as the "BMX 'er".
In it's first year of operation, the Association had constructed a track, met all of it's
operating expenses, conducted several free or give-away activities, was able to make the
necessary year-end repairs and improvements to the track with a sufficient balance to
begin the next year's racing season.
During the 1990 race season, we were notified by the
Hunterdon County Freeholders that they had plans for a warehouse on the very location of
out track!
Once we received permission to use the property and had it staked out by the Freeholders,
we enlisted the help of Bob Tedesco, CEO of the National Bicycle League. Bob came to build
the track .... every time he came it rained. By the fourth visit, he finally got the track
Then came the rest of the work. Fixing the trailer, installing the gate, putting up the
fence, getting the electricity in, laying the hose for the water line, putting up the
fence, doing what landscaping could be done .... all this work done by volunteers and with
what little money we had left after trucking in the dirt for the track and renting the
The second year of the new track we were still putting in the finishing touches. We still
have to look forward to paving the turns, building and announcer's tower, see about
getting some lights up and many other things.
As you will see (if you pay us a visit), it is now 6 years later, we
have remodeled the track and have done much to improve it and our surroundings. In 1996
Hunterdon County BMX held its first NBL National race. It was a major success. There where
many comments by riders young and old that it was one of the nicest tracks they had ever
ridden. As you will also see, we still have much work to do. We can use all the help that
anyone can offer us. If you are willing to help when at the track, see any track official
and they can get you started. For more information on how you can be a part of the
Hunterdon County BMX Association please feel free to contact:
Changes for the new millennium!

Pending Needs for the 2001 season
Volunteers !!
Corner Marshals
Services - Porta San, Food & Beverage
Concession workers
and More...
..someone in your neighborhood asks you how old your kid is and your reply
..you automatically load up the bike and you're only going down to the corner store.
..you fall asleep at the wheel of your car and it takes you to a track instead of home.
..the only clean clothes in the house are a pair of leathers and a jersey.
..you are late for work but never late for sign-ups.
..your kid's bike is insured for more than your car.
..you develop a craving for hot dogs.
..you throw out the spare tire in your trunk to make room for a bike.
..you can't decide whether to go to your sister's wedding or to a double pointer.
..your kid's birthday cake has a miniature BMX track on it and all the gifts are bike
..a Sunday drive in the country means you're going to a race in another state.
..the first item on your monthly budget is entry fees and not the mortgage payment.
..your magazine rack contains only BMX magazines and you aren't interested in Good
Housekeeping anymore.
..the stoplight at the corner turns green and you try for a hole shot.
..you can't remember the birth dates of your family but you can remember the birth date of
every rider in your kid's class.
..someone mentions a table top and you look for a pile of dirt.
..your kid's bike is color-coordinated and your living room is not.
..it rains during a race and you put your umbrella over your kid's bike instead of over
your head.
..you try to claim a local bike shop on your income tax.
..you save postage on your entire Christmas card list because you can pass them all out at
the track.
..you are flabbergasted by the price of hamburger but not the price of a titanium bottom
..no one can understand what your saying but another BMX er.
..you think this column is the gospel truth.


Flemington BMX Last modified
July 31, 2010 by webmaster@njbmx.org
Copyright © 2010 Jeffrey Morgan
/ Visions InfoLine |